Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today I would like to Thank

      I would like to thank all the brave men and women who serve our country and keep us safe...

Today my son is coming home from Afghanistan, safe and sound and I am very happy, I will still remember all of you that are still over there and Iraq fighting this war...
Thank you....
 Be Safe Be Strong Be Smart...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I must really try harder on this blog..oh yeah and free gift time.....

I feel like I really have been neglecting my blog as of late, but I have been feeling a little out of sorts since I closed my store..maybe I need to change the name of my blog(not even sure if I can do that)As I am no longer Boho Boutique and Consignment...
   I think maybe that might help me feel more motivated.. Start a fresh as this seems to be a new begining for our family, moving to San Fran.. and starting to focus on my Etsy store more as well as my Eclectic Treasure shows..What do you guys think would love to hear your feedback...

Im also feeling very excited about our move but as I dont know SF so well and this is the month of giving. I thought maybe you all could send me a comment on what you like about SF and I will pick a random winner and you could win this....the deadline will be Nov..12th at midnight
I just learned how to make these and love making them.I have to admit I am slightly addicted to making them....
Good luck and I look forward to your reading your thoughts on SF or any other comments or questions you have...