Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Im off on a roadtrip today down to so cal..to see my sis and nephew...But before I go wanted to show you my new piece...let me know what you think...
It was for my hubby just incase he forgets he is British...
Have a great week lovelies..see you soon!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Trying to be good today and clean, organise and move furniture around..But, I keep getting distracted by other blogs...So im turning off the computer...
BUT...not before I show you these..

Hoping my bedroom looks like one of these when i'm finished....

photos by Polly Redford

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Spring is here, and I am missing my garden so much..But, I do have to say my daugter(she is renting our house with some friends) has suddenly found she has a green finger and has been been doing an awesome job on the garden..
  Our landlords did clear are very over grown yard this week, so I will have some space this year. Even though we have to share it with our upstairs neighbor. I am looking forward to planting some veggies and flowers....
   But right now I am really loving these outside spaces and wishing I coulod wiggle my nose and they would magically appear in my space...

Sorry I cant remember where I found these but if you know please email me so I can give credit.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good Morning Monday.....

New day...New Week...
Hope my focus is clearer then this picture....